Rose Rain
Rose is Violet's older sister. She's a very intelligent college student majoring in Astronomy. Besides her brains, Rose is also a very caring person. She worries for her little sister, but can't quite get Violet to have a good conversation with her.
Neela Rain
Neela is Violet's strict mother who is also a guidance counselor at St Paul's (Violet's school). She strives for perfection and expects the same of her family. Violet's lack of good grades causes her to have shame in her daughter.
Red Rain
Red is Violet's father. He's a professional stage actor who inspires his daughter. He and Violet have a close relationship, but it begins to break apart after the "big fight". He hates being hard on her, but it's difficult when his wife urges him to.
Cookie is Violet's silly bichon frise. His main purpose is to stand there and look stupid/cute. Somehow manages to follow Violet onto Celesta, where he will meet his new animal friends! He also chews on things he shouldn't.
Tyler Aceline
Tyler is a close friend of Violet as well as Francis' cousin. He's very intelligent and loves to be #1 in school. He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder, mostly because both Dana and Violet annoy him. He later falls for Dana.
Dana Owen
Dana is another close friend of Violet. She's a fancy lady on the outside, but inside she's pretty nerdy. She strives to be the best in her class, and often gets into fights with her rival and crush, Tyler, who she later starts dating.
Gingerale is Francis' beloved cat and fashionable leader of the Cuddle Brigade. She can either be seen directing her fellow animals or comforting Francis during stressful times. Gingerale and the other animals invite Cookie to join them.
Marcella Fidelis
Marcella is a soft spoken and charming Colonel in the Angelic Army. She is a good friend of Sir Ambrose and is often seen with her assistants Greg and Gwen. Though she doesn't admit it often, she enjoys living a life of luxury.